We are very excited to be launching our Community Garden Blog at Somers Camp and we want YOU to be involved.
We know that there are hundreds of gardens out there in our school communities and we want to share our experiences and knowledge and learn from each other.
We are hoping to be able to share what's happening at camp in our Community Garden and to give our students an opportunity to share what's happening in their gardens at school and at home.

Each week we will be posting news about our garden.
What's growing? What's being harvested? What pests and wildlife we are finding? What jobs and tasks are being done?
What are we cooking and eating from the garden?
We want to know and for you to share the answers to these questions based on your experiences in your own gardens.
Send us some photos and explain what's happening in your 'Growing Community'
Email your posts to us at - somercamp.commgarden@gmail.com